The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) was the ADR advisor to the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia from 1995 to 2011. Annual reports and NADRAC publications are listed below. A full listing of NADRAC publications is also available here.
1997 - 2001
Issues of Fairness and Justice in Alternative Dispute Resolution (November 1997)
The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Magistracy (1999)
The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Magistracy- Part 2 (1999)
A Fair Say - A Guide to Managing Differences in Mediation and Conciliation (1999)
2002 - 2006
Summary Issues Paper ADR Research Background Paper for Research Round Table (2002)
Court Referral to ADR - Criteria and Research (December 2003)
ADR A Better way of Doing Business Summary of Conference Proceedings (2003)
Submission on the Legal Services Directions Issues Paper (2004)
Federal Civil Justice System Strategy Paper comments (April 2004)
Who says You’re a Mediator? Towards a National System for Accrediting Mediators (March 2004)
Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management (January 2006)
Legislating for Alternative Dispute Resolution (November 2006)
Advice on a New Accreditation System for FDRP’s (March 2007)
2007 - 2013
Submission to Parliament of Victoria law reform committee ADR inquiry (2007)
Submission to Parliament of Victoria law reform committee ADR inquiry (2008)
Submission Question 40 discussion-paper 72 review of Australian privacy law (2008)
Terms of reference- Statement of National ADR principles (2009)
National Principles for Resolution of Disputes - Interim Report to the AG (2010)
Submission to the Productivity Commissions inquiry into access to justice arrangements (2013)
Submission to ACRA - Draft Australian Curriculum- Civics and Citizenship (2013)